Rather looking for sales markets in German-speaking countries?
We love to place products on (new) markets because it is like pioneering work and this can be exciting. But it is not only this that drives us but also the conviction of supporting a European economic integration. With an improving and increasing exchange of goods and services, we work on a stable and strong Europe which strengthens its well-being.
In this sense, on one hand, countries from Central-Eastern and Southeastern Europe play an important part in this development since their full potential is not tapped fully. On the other hand, the German-speaking market is the biggest market in Europe. Consequently, bringing both parts together can enlarge European prosperity which we believe in!
Startups & small-sized businesses
If you are a startup or small & middle-sized business you surely know that to build up and to establish your idea or product is often connected with obstacles and costs. It can sometimes be frustrated when every small step causes costs even before things get started.
We know what we talk about since we are a small-business ourselves. We do not want to make things complicated. We want to focus on your success. Thus, not all but many things we do and offer relies on success basis. Consequently, not only but we are a perfect partner for startups and small & middle-sized enterprises because we are professional, flexible, uncomplicated and we offer best value for money.
Sustainable Responsibility
Thinking sustainable means thinking in respect for next generations. So, also for us, it is important to make decisions based on such a principle because in the short and long run, we all will benefit from it. We need to take responsibility and must not just focus on profit. Therefore, we do not want to be supportive for the spread of products which are entirely contrary to certain sustainable standards.
Social Entrepreneurship
Beside our conviction for a European economic integration we also believe that a general integration within Europe can improve mutual understanding and thereby can decrease social tensions. Therefore, we support integrative projects which focus on youth support, education, knowledge transfer, removal of prejudices and other important approaches.
In consequence, part of of our general income we invest in a non-governmental organisation (NGO) which deals with informative and integrative projects. The Forum für Mittelost- und Südosteuropa (FOMOSO) is the right organisation for that since it deals with Central-Eastern and Souteastern Europe and with different projects in order to support European integration. For more information go to fomoso.org